What is Global Recycling Day?
Global Recycling Day has only been around since 2018 but is an important calendar event. This year, it may fall on Ireland’s new and shiny bank holiday but don’t let that be an excuse not to participate! The day was brought about to acknowledge and praise the importance of recycling.
Why do we celebrate the day?
The recycling initiative helps to protect our all-important primary natural resources. Preserving these natural resources is essential to safeguard the future of our planet for further generations.
Did you know that we as humans extract and use 60 million tonnes of our natural resources every year? 30 years ago, we used less than half of that amount per year. Judging by these trends, this annual number could grow to 100 billion tonnes by 2030! That’s why it’s important to spread awareness and embrace the recycling initiative.
Our natural resources are air, water, oil, natural gas, coal, and minerals. Recycling has become a very important resource in recent years, supplying 40% of our raw material needs across the world.
What can we do to participate?
We should all be committed to adapting resource-efficient behaviour: reducing, reusing, and recycling our belongings as much as possible. We must see opportunity, not waste in those belongings. Think “How can this be re-used, to give it a longer life?”
Individual Participation
- Get to know the things that CAN be recycled. Click here for our downloadable recycling poster to help you.
- Make a conscious effort to do your best when it comes to the recycling initiative.
- Organise a community event to raise awareness, such as:
- A beach clean-up
- Litter picking after the St. Patrick’s Day festivities and parade
- A clothing swap event
- A social media competition on local community group page using #RecyclingHeroes
Panda customers can rest assured, knowing nothing goes to waste with us. All the waste we collect is reused, recycled, or repurposed. We’ll help you leave a greener footprint by converting 100% of your black bin waste into energy. Click here to find out more.
Business Participation
- Ensure you’re providing the right recycling resources for your employees to use. Do you have adequate facilities, enough bins, and are they properly labelled; Recycling, General Waste, Compost? Educate your team so they know which items go into which bin. Here’s a list you can download and share with your team.
- Organise a workplace recycling event or initiative. Why not make it a team-building event and do some good for the environment? Perhaps an office de-clutter, properly disposing of broken electronic devices that are taking up space and shredding those documents that you no longer have use for.
Need some advice? Panda is Ireland’s leading provider of sustainable waste management solutions. Our ‘zero-landfill’ mission means your business waste will be reused, repurposed, and recycled. Together, we’ll make your business greener and cleaner. Get in touch, our team is ready and waiting to help you find a solution that fits.